Ministerial Association
Pr Neil Redman
Pr Trevor Mawer
Our Mission
The Ministerial Association in South Queensland is an association of professional ministers encompassing those called to Preach and those called to Teach; those called to Minister in Churches and those called to Minister in Schools; our Pastors and our Educators working as one for the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Association seeks to encourage, equip, enable and empower the ministers of South Queensland to be all that God calls them to be. It seeks to help our ministers and their families grow, develop, and flourish. Through the Ministry Development (MD) framework we seek to identify and to sharpen the strengths in each minister so that each one can lead from their strengths and be a resource and mentor to our larger team in those gift areas. We seek to strengthen their professional and their personal relationships and have them feel fully supported in their work for God.
Whether a Chaplain in a school or aged care facility, a Pastor in a church, an Evangelist, an Administrator, a Principal or a Teacher, the Ministerial Association provides pastoral support, coordinates ministry development, and facilitates fellowship opportunities within the team. This is done through visitation and regular contact, providing a listening ear, assisting with resource development and deployment, staging large events celebrating ministry, providing retreat opportunities, promoting networking, and by facilitating ongoing coaching and professional development.
We have an exceptional team of ministers here in South Queensland. Our aim is to help each one fulfil the calling God has given to build and strengthen His church, to reach and to serve those who don’t yet know Christ, to invite these to experience the joy of a life lived with Jesus now, to accept Jesus’ gift personally, to join us in our mission and to embrace the promise of His soon return and life with Him forever in a world made new.